The Story of Runaway Pond
It had been a dry summer, the following spring no different, and the river that powered the grist mill in Glover Valley was flowing slowly.
On June 6, 1810, the miller Aaron Willson enlisted 60 men and boys to dig a 1 mile long, 125 foot deep trench to connect the river to Long Pond in order to increase water power for the mill.
As work progressed into the afternoon they realized, too late, that underneath the hardpan was quicksand!
Two billon gallons of water crashed out of its banks. In 1.5 Hours Long Pond drained completely. On its way to eventually empty in Lake Memphremagog in Newport, Runaway destroyed everything in its path in Glover, Barton, and coventry.
Amazingly, no lives were lost. The tragedy of the runaway pond turned into a blessing, leaving behind enriched soils for better farmland and a path for Glover Village ten years later. For a full history of Glover, read more here.
The historical event is relived each summer during Glover Day, the last Saturday in July, where the town holds a 5.5 mile race from Runaway Pond to the town green.